At the time of the outbreak of the Covid 19 virus, many people in the community were advised to stay indoors rather than go out to reduce and eliminate new infections, making them difficult to work. While staying at home, if you are interested and prone to technology, you can try to learn the following 4 skills to make money online or make money from home, this means that even if you work for someone, your salary will be cheaper, and if you start your own independent business, as long as there is no shortage of customers, your monthly income can reach tens of thousands of dollars:
1. Personal Brandng
There are many skills to make money online, but in this article I focus on making money from the online sector, such as YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, etc., where many of our Cambodians are earning a lot of money from these platforms, and some evencan make money up to tens of thousands of dollars per month.
There are two ways to make money today, one is to run the money and the other is to build your own personal brand. Personal brand builders mean that they create vlogs or videos with the same channel or Facebook page, but build that page or channel to be very popular.
After building a reputation for value, he can earn money from the platform directly or open a sponsorship from a well-known brand.
If you are on the road to building your own brand, you do not have to spend a lot of resources, because each platform has a tutorial, and Facebook, YouTube, there are tutorials on how to make money for free.
Read more: 5 Top Tips: How to Get More Online Reviews for Your Business
2. Graphic Design Skills
As businesses turn to online more and more, it is not surprising that they have a growing demand for graphic design, and those who want to capture this section should not feel that the market is narrow, because one person can not get a project 10 companies at a time. Yes.
The most important thing in this field is to build a reputation for your work to be known, the results of the best quality workmanship, then you can demand a high price.
Another feature of this specialty is that the price depends on the craftsmanship and the workmanship, that is, there is no limit to how much this service can cost, depending on the quality and size of the work.
Heard that easy money does not mean easy to do, just study does not need to go to school, because the resources on the Internet are all available, both free online classes and paid online classes, all of you can research to learn. Yes.
Making Money from Home in Cambodia
3. Digital Marketing Skills
Not much different from the above skills, Digital Marketing is becoming more and more important because most of the business people want to get on the digital platform, but they are too busy to have more time to find out, so he needs more help.
In terms of digital marketing, it is very wide, ranging from the rise of Google Search to the creation of websites and other social media platforms, but for our country, the most popular thing today is inevitably far from Facebook.
For this reason, those who have the skills to manage Facebook Page, know how to solve social media page issues, know how to bushes to target customers will always have a constant need.
4. IT skills
A large part of IT work can be done from anywhere, such as programming or problem solving (Tech Support).
When it comes to developing coding, web designing, or developing smartphone applications, freelance work is not worth the effort.
For those who have a professional team, these can really earn a lot of money, especially when there are big projects related to the Website, Software, and App development.
And learning these skills does not require that you have a degree, as long as you have the ability to achieve the results that customers want, even if you apply for a job at a large technology company, they rarely ask for a degree. The most important thing is the ability.
Related to this skill, only those who like to research and find out more can walk on this path, because technology is constantly evolving from day to day.
For research, not far from Google and YouTube, and if you know how to find a place to study, there are some courses on the Internet to learn for free.
Understand that the above four skills are all high-income skills and are said by experts to be underestimated in the future, so if you want a job or business that does not go out much while Covid-19 not yet extinct from the earth, all readers can consider capturing.
Read more: Facebook Marketing Tips: 5 Best Tips You Need To Know
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