When you think about the foods that are most representative of Cambodia, you probably think about food that is eaten on a daily basis. These are the Cambodian foods that are eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. However, there are ...Read more
When you think about the foods that are most representative of Cambodia, you probably think about food that is eaten on a daily basis. These are the Cambodian foods that are eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. However, there are also a number of foods that are eaten on special occasions or during festivals that are considered national symbols of Cambodia. Among those foods are:
1. Rice
Cambodian Cooked Rice
Rice is considered to be one of the essential food in Cambodia. This food is not only the most important, but it is also the most used one in the Cambodian dishes. Cambodians usually put rice as the first ingredient in their dishes. This ingredient is the one that makes the difference and makes their dishes unique. When rice is first in a dish, it means that it is the main dish. It is served together with other ingredients to accompany it. If there is no rice, it is not considered as a dish. Rice is not just eaten only in Cambodia. It is also eaten in Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, and Myanmar.
2. Amok
Amok is very famous in Cambodia. It’s considered to be the most popular food, national dish, and important food in Cambodia. You’ll easily spot this types of food everywhere, and if you’re new in this country, I also recommend you to try this food out as well. Cambodian normally makes this food when there is a special occasion like when they celebrate an engagement, but you can make and eat this anytime you want, and many restaurants in Cambodia usually put this types of food on their menu list. People who live near to local rivers are able to enjoy amok truly each day in the event that they so wish. By utilizing the freshest of amok, you’ll be guaranteed of the most excellent result as the amok will have the perfect texture and will not be dry. You can eat this with rice to make it more delicious.
3. Khmer Curry
Khmer curry
Curry is one of the most important and famous food in Cambodia. Cambodian people always make this food when the festivals and special occasions are approaching like Khmer New Year festival, Phum Benh day, or banquet. This food will cost you a big amount of money and ingredients, even the process of making this dish is also a bit complicated, but if you’re good at cooking, that won’t be a problem for you. You can eat this with a bowl of rice for sure, or you can eat with Khmer noodle also known as Num Banh Chok to make it more and more unique and tasty. For the recipe, you can check out this website for more detail: https://houseofnasheats.com/cambodian-chicken-red-curry/
4. Num Banh Chok (Khmer noodle)
Num banh chok refers to both the new ever-so-lightly-fermented rice noodles that are still made every day by hand by artisanal noodle creators all over Cambodia, fair as they’ve continuously been made, as well as the tasty breakfast noodle dish, comprised of the rice noodles soaked in a soup, ‘gravy’ or curry, served with regular vegetables, and decorated with fragrant herbs, scrounged clears out, and eatable flowers. This type of food is very healthy and delicious. Cambodian people always make this with any kind of fishes, and you can enjoy this food every day. People always make this when Phum Benh day is approaching, and in other special events.
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