This is an important question that foreigners need to know if they are planning to live in Cambodia. The answer is yes. There is no rule that says that citizenship of a certain country must be granted to foreigners living in a country. The foreigner has all rights that the Cambodian people have. The only thing that the foreigner needs to have is a visa and a work permit.
If you have been dreaming of living in Cambodia, you should know that it is not difficult to become a Cambodian resident. In fact, whether you are living in Cambodia on a student visa or a retirement visa, you can easily apply for Cambodian citizenship. As a foreign resident, you can enjoy the same benefits as a Cambodian citizen, including healthcare and education. So, if you want to live in Cambodia, you should not have any problem in doing so.
Sunset at Tonle Sap lake Cambodia – Cambodia Time
Applying for Cambodian citizenship is processed by the Ministry of interior, and it at least takes two to three months to get done. For more details of the procedure, requirement documents, and many more, quickly look through these following steps below:
- The process of applying for Cambodian citizenship is took place at the Ministry of interior.
- Prepared all the requirement document and make a copy the them, then submit the application and requirement documents at the Ministry of interior. You can find the application at the Ministry or download in from the Embassy of Cambodia website.
- When the application is submitted, the citizenship officer will go through the application and document once again to verify information. (The interview is also carried out at that time)
- After that, they will make the decision for your application whether you’re rejected or accepted.
The requirement documents that should be attached with your application:
- Birth certificate
- Current passport
- Your identity card
- Your recent photo
- Medical and police clearance certificate
Citizenship has no validity period, but your citizenship may be revoked back if you do something opposing the law of the country namely by joining a foreign army is considered as the activity that is against the laws of Cambodia.
In some cases, a country will not allow an individual to enter if that person has a criminal record or carrying a contagious disease.
Beauty of Tonle Sap lake house boat – Cambodia Time
Cambodia is a blessed country comparing to other countries in the ASEAN regions. What I mean by a blessed country is that Cambodia is the Kingdom of Wonder with:
1.Natural Resources
Cambodia has mountainous areas (you can explore wildlife, waterfalls, and escape from the crowed), coastal areas (you can swim, relax, and serve sea food).
2. Safety & Security
Cambodia considers a safe and secure country in the region. You have freedom of walk, stay, work, and run a business.
3. The People
Cambodian people are friendly and polite. You can live and work with them with respect. They are helpful people. They love foreigners are they love their people.
4. The Government Policies
Cambodian Government welcome all foreigners to visit and live in Cambodia as long as you are possessed all the required local documents.
5. The Opportunity
Cambodian is known as the land of opportunity. You capture opportunity to make a living easily.
6. The strategic location
One said “Cambodia is a strategic location for business” as it passes to Thailand and Vietnam, are the economic tigers in the region. You can run a business in Cambodia with low labor force and low costs comparing other countries, then you can sell to Thailand and Vietnam.