Getting a job can be a difficult process because it takes time, a lot of effort, and needs to be patient while seeking for its. Not to mention, it depends on luck as well. All of above are the elements that many people need and encounter when they first started their working career. If you are looking for a job, and curious about the hiring process, these following information will outline the basic steps that you need to prepare and follow when you fully decide, you want to earn money and develop your own self.
How to get a job in Cambodia
1. Searching for a job on the internet
Networking is good for making business contact and finding jobs. It has many positive impacts on human life not like what others point out this social networking has bad influence on people mind set. Thanks to networking, people find this more convenience in exploring jobs. There are many job requirements that are being post by many companies, job positions and wages are included in. So if you want to get a job, you should start your first move by searching a job that you think you are capable with. You just search with any kind of jobs you want, then you’ll see a lot of job applications.
2. Applying for a job by writing a resume
After searching for a job that interest you from the internet, you have to read all the requirements what they require from you first, and make sure you can deal with that jobs or obstacles that happen unintentionally. So if you think you are qualified with the requirements, then start writing a resume or CV and apply for it. One particular thing is that don’t ask for the salary in the applying process because the interviewer will ask you to tell the expectation wages from you whenever you get into the interview round. In the resume, you should include your full name, date of birth, email address and contact number, and what position that you want to go with. These are not fully completed; you have to add more about your education background, experiences, your interest and your capabilities of doing things. Some companies will ask you to write a cover letter as well to show your commitment and potential to that job.
3. Getting prepared for the interview round
If you are a person that a company looking for, they will give the chance for you to the interview round, and they will email or contact you personally.
Before the interview, you have to search for the information of how the interview process go, and you have to look up for what types of questions that the interviewer is going to ask the interviewee. You also have to dress well as long as it’s appropriate. Essentially, you have to arrive early before the setting time to a meeting place for at least 30 minutes, so you can relax yourself, and get ready for the interview. Be noticed that first impression is very important.
During the interview, you have to be confident, don’t put too much pressure on yourself, and answer to all the questions that your interviewer asks. Be honest, and be flexible during interview process. Don’t forget to show your commitment to that job, and you should include your special skill or your proficiency during the interview as well.