Here is a question raised on social media that “What are the top 5 strategies you’ve used to survive the business in 2021?” A lot of businessmen and businesswomen were given their thought as below:
- Turn to online platform innovation
- Capacity building to team
- Safety policy guideline for make sure everyone safe.
- Regular review of marketing performance and amendment to adopt situation.
- Revive unnecessary cost
- Keep old customers by reducing the price
- Continuing sales through remote meeting
- Provide solutions to customers by selling business management technology online.
- Punish employees who do not respect the safety principles of Covid 19 procedures
- Do not cut the salary of employees, make them feel calm and focus on work.
- Digital channel improvement
- Social media corporation
- On site premium service
- Online Communication
- KOL Alliance
More info:
‘ve used to survive the business in 2021